Bahrain » Domain Name » Filing requirements
Trademark - 10 years - Timeframe 20 months

1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        List of goods protected and classes covered - not exceeding 6 lines. Separate application for each class -

          (N. cl. 10)

3.        Translation of the mark, if any

4.        Certified copy of foreign registration or legalized certificate of incorporation or extract from the

          commercial register  

5.        Certified copy of priority documents, if claimed

6.        A printing block and 15 specimens of the mark

Collective or Certification Mark - 10 years
1-6.   Same as above

7.        Legalized copy of byelaw of the association governing use of mark

Renewal - 10 years

1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        A photocopy of registration certificate (for 1st renewal only)

3.        Within 6 months from expiry - grace period 3 months

Assignment / License / Merger

1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        Legalized deed of Assignment / License / Merger

3.        Give details of TMs in case of merger

Change of Name or Address

1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        A letter from owner to the registrar requesting the required change mentioning details of TMs and date of 


Patent - 20 years and Utility Model - 10 years

1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        Four copies of specification, claims, drawings and abstract with Arabic translation

3.        Legalized Deed of assignment of priority rights from the inventor, if any

4.        Certified copy of home or foreign registration certificate or a legalized certificate of incorporation or extract

         from the commercial register or other similar certificate

5.        Certified copy of priority documents, if claimed

PCT - 20 years
                1-3.  Same as above

4.        A copy of PCT application with attachment showing Bahrain as a designated country (form 101)

5.        WIPO IB advice of receipt of priority document (form 304)

6.        A copy of PCT Publication

7.        A copy of search report

8.        A copy of International Preliminary Report on Patentability

9.        Priority within 30 months


1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        Details of patent concerned

       Assignment / License / Merger/ Change of Name or Address
Same as for TMs
Design - 10 years

1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        Legalized certificate of incorporation or commercial register

3.        Certified copy of priority documents, if priority is claimed

4.        Three representation of each design and description thereof

5.        Annuity payments are due. A period of six months is given for late annuity payment

6.        Up to 50 design are accepted in one application

7.        Renewal for one term of 5 years

        Assignment / License / Merger/ Change of Name or Address
Same as for TMs

1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        Three copies of the work

3.        Legalized assignment deed if the applicant is not the author

4.        Duration is 70 years following author's death

Domain Name - 1 year

1.        Legalized power of attorney

2.        Legalized license agreement, if any

3.        Request on official letterhead of the applicant

4.        Renewal is for one year


1.        Legalization is by Bahraini Consulate

2.        Same registered address should be used in any new application or recording

3.        General legalized POA can be used for any IP service mentioned hereabove

4.        Use of a trademark is not required for renewal. However it is subject to cancellation if not used for 5 consecutive years by court action

5.        Trademarks and patents are published in the official gazette. Opposition may be filed within 60 days

6.        Translation charges of list of goods, patent specification, claims etc. are charged once when these cover more than one country

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